Thursday, April 28, 2016

Star Ratings

XKCD has a few good comics on the problems with star ratings:

  • This one on how good the product is based on how many stars it has, and
  • This one on why averaging star ratings might not be the best approach.
With those in mind, I am searching Amazon for a portable air compressor to keep in the car. But what Randall Munroe missed was a mapping between the number of stars and the value of the attached review. So I came up with my own:

  • 5 stars: I just got it, and it works!
  • 1 star: I just got it, and it doesn't work.
  • 4 stars: It's not perfect, but it works.
  • 3 stars: It's okay, but don't buy it because I said so.
  • 2 stars: It broke, and here's why.
Maybe I'm cynical, but I pretty much just read the two star reviews. Those'll tell you how it broke and why.

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