Saturday, February 6, 2016


If you’ve ever visited a Google office and used the bathroom (great way to begin, right?), you probably saw an episode of Testing on the Toilet (or possibly Learning on the Loo) posted at eye-level. This week I saw a post about prototypes. It said there is a simple rule to determine whether your project is a prototype: Whether it will live a short about of time, and then be deleted.

But that’s not an easy way to identify a prototype. “Why not?” you ask (well, probably not, but it fits my writing style). “It sounds simple!”

No, it’s not simple, because it requires you to see into the future. You need to know that your project will only live a couple weeks, and then go away. But how could you know that?

While working on a personal project (I am implementing the Raft consensus algorithm in Go), I discovered a much simpler test for whether a project is a prototype: If you cannot use test driven development, it is a prototype. Think about it for a moment. I’ll leave a break between the paragraphs.

Really, think about it...

When can you write the tests before the actual code? When you understand the solution, which means you have a plan.

When you’re ready to write an implementation.

When can’t you write the tests first? When you are exploring the problem, trying to understand what the solution might look like.

And guess what? If you try to write tests after writing an exploratory solution, the tests are going to suck. You’ve probably done it before. They cover the easy, obvious cases, but you still worry a little about some corner cases that were just too hard to reach. Maybe you were considerate enough to put todo comments on them, but a todo is not the same as a test.

My experience implementing Raft convinced me that I am writing a prototype. I will do it again when I finish, and I may do it again after that. This is how I learn; I write something that kinda works, and then I know enough to write it better. Eventually better is enough to be production code.

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